Recounting the mis-adventures of a canine diva and her long suffering middle aged owner .
An irreverent personal blog of days out and dog friendly pubs in Yorkshire (and occasionally beyond ) …
Our Wanderings
Art Trails and Brewery Taps
An unexpected urban art treasure and favourite brews in Shipley
At home with Gentleman Jack
An amble round Halifaxs Shibden Hall plus the Worlds Smallest Music Venue (allegedly )
Summer stumble round Skipton
A quick soiree to the Craven Market Town ... WARNING features gratuitous munching of pork pies !
An alternative wander around the Literay Shrine of Haworth
About Us
Aye Up !
Introducing the Dog(ish) Diva – a right royal pain in the derriere. A scruffy ,yappy and ridiculously loveable mutt of dubious pedigree and very little brain , owned by myself, ‘the Lard Goddess ‘(fat, fifty and more than occasionally f***ed off with the world), for my sins and welcome to 4 PAWS PUBS , my tales of our, customarily, misadventures together.
4PP is a blog of our days out doing the things we enjoy, a bit of fresh air and a ‘very very steady’ wander followed by a few quality beverages in dog friendly pubs where both humans and canines, even delinquent terriers are truly welcomed!
Most of our travels are in God’s Own County of Yorkshire but occasionally we may stray to the dark side and into Lancashire and beyond! Periodic off topic rants at the world in general and an odd four letter word are to be expected .(It’s an age thing !)
I hope the site provides a useful-ish resource and hopefully a bit of light entertainment for anyone who might enjoy similar type expeditions with their trusty(ish) furry companion.
You can read more about us and the blog’s background here .
No freebies or paid promotion (save the odd pint ) is involved in this site, unlike lots of ‘dog blogs’, it’s essentially just a paticularly sad hobby site, so a nod, either by a social media follow or by comment, to show that someone is at least reading the thing would be appreciated !!
Any inspired suggestions for destinations for us to test out or perhaps would like to embarrass yourself totally and submit your own day out musings then don’t hesitate to get in touch.
As well as our travels on a serious note I hope 4PP can show the real positives of taking on a ‘second-hand mutt’ like DD .Up and down the country there are thousands of dogs looking for new homes not all perfectly behaved or ridiculously cute and cuddly but all in need of a chance of a new sofa to monopolize.
Feeling particularly generous and? A donation to our local dog rescue organization to help less fortunate mutts would be awesome!
Enjoy !
4 Paws Pubs Days Out ALWAYS
Include a visit to a canine friendly pub And will normally involve the imbibing of at least one delicious traditional hand pulled British Ale !
Are accessible by some form of Public Transport Err.. see the above !! Travel info can be found on each post as a guide.
Are cheap , cheerful and a tad random Countryside , coast or urban – some are a success others not so , non cost the earth – variety and all that s*** !
4 Paws Pubs Days Out NEVER
Are ridiculously strenuous It’s a day out with a gentle(ish) perambulate and some light ‘refreshments’, not a sodding route march.
Are paticularly child-friendly I’m middle-aged and meopausal with an occasionally arsy mutt – sorry but that’s just how it is.
Are ‘written’ by the dog’ CD is a dog (no s** Sherlock !) who understands ‘walk‘, ‘ ball ‘rabbit ear ‘and ‘pub‘ plus very sporadically ‘si’down’ and ‘get here’. Make a blog post from that if you will!
Replace a detailed route guide or serious beer blog You can find these all over the net written by folk far far more obsessive and at times far far more boring than me. .