Lets be honest Dogs in Pubs is always going to be something that divides people, a bit of a contentious issue but given some common sense ‘guidelines’ hopefully we can all enjoy a beer together for years to come …
Those of us who class ourselves as responsible mutt owners and pub regulars always try to stick with the following to make sure we stay on the right side of both landlords and fellow drinkers . Nothing drastic but sadly we all know one idiot who will screw it up for everyone..
The ‘Obvious’
Make sure mutt has been ‘out ‘ beforehand – a steaming pile in the middle of the best Axminster does not enamour you to mine hosts or your drinking companions and is likely to result in a swift exit to the pavement and banishment for ever … you have been warned
Dogs on leads
This especially going out to all those owners who’s charges are so ridiculously well behaved that they can not only fetch your slippers on your return but pour you a large malt and russell up a Michelin standard supper from the Aldi value items left at the back of fridge …..
Yes we know Rover is vastly more intelligent than our mere mortals canines but just get your oversized ego in check and put him on a lead the same as every other dog in the place .Failure to follow this simple rule ? Then also accept the simple fact that ever other owner in the pub wants to quite happily murder you …..
The only exception ever to this rule is obviously the resident pub dog who quite frankly can do what the hell they want …
Seat or Floor ?
Floor unless told otherwise ,end of, regardless of dog size or shape (and yes you with the carried everywhere disturbingly expensive toy breeds clad in toe curling embarrassing ‘designer outfits ‘ must have accessory – I’m looking in your general direction ).
The only exception ever to this rule is obviously the resident pub dog who quite frankly can still do what the hell they want …….
Keep thy Gob Shut
Yep we all understand that our furry friends occasionally feel the need to make their opinions count in the at the bar conversations ,the odd bark or whine is more often than not acceptable (especially when there are pork scratchings in the house ) but a full on canine rendition of ‘Bark at the Moon’ would be viewed more than a tad dimly .
The only exception ever to this rule is obviously the resident pub dog who quite frankly will still be doing what the hell they want …….