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Welcoming …

The Dopey Diva to the world of 4PP’s…

Y Viva El Yeadon !

under the flight path ..

Art Trails and Brewery Taps

An unexpected urban art treasure and favourite brews in Shipley

At home with Gentleman Jack

An amble round Halifaxs Shibden Hall plus the Worlds Smallest Music Venue (allegedly )

Bring me Sunshine ….

A last minute mooch around Morecambe in the Sun

Scarecrows in Seattle

Ok flowerpot men in Settle – community pride in the Dales

Summer stumble round Skipton

A quick soiree to the Craven Market Town … WARNING features gratuitous munching of pork pies !

Getting Festive in the glen

Unique vintage transport and an award winning mutt pub

A matter of left or right ??

Navigational woes on a visit to Thackley Wood

Work With Us

(or maybe not )

Looking at other slightly more serious blogs it seems to be ‘de-rigeur ‘to have a ‘work with us’ page ,

So here goes …….


4Paws Pubs is a (insert vomit inducing  ‘dog speak ‘adjective here ) dog /travel blog and I am just a tad suprised, actually bloody amazed ,  that our blog has actually made it from an alcohol induced idea to t’interweb.

By way of introduction ,DD is a little shit of a mutt , who will fart, snore ,whine when she’s bored and generally take sod all notice of unless she wants something , photogenically you’ve no chance unless you are after the perfect shot of a fat fluffy backside , tear-arsing off over the horizon.

She is available for christenings , weddings and bar mitzvahs on request.

We are open to collaborating with brands and organizations that are a good fit with our lifestyle in lots of different ways, beer, chocolate, unhealthy treats, winning lottery tickets, blank cheques ,pig ears, chicken feet , tennis balls etc.

In terms of our Blog popularity (or lack of ) ,as an ‘influencer’ I can’t even influence my own ruddy hound to sit so you’ve no chance .In our world ‘traction’ is something you normally lose after about 10 pints , and the only DA that I’m aware of was shaggy and the hero of a dodgy Disney movie many years ago,but I digress …

We are based in Gods Own Country though we’d love to travel further but being brutally honest, finances are a bit tight at the moment  . However we are happy to try any dog-friendly establishment  that is hospitable, at best , tolerant at worst to mutts of very little brain  and menopausal middle aged woman .Pubs , cafes ,accommodation, we don’t care  so long as there is free grub and beer , the best room in the house to be had for nowt and you promise not to throw us out.

Can’t guarantee we’ll mention you afterwards  but we’ll be memorable in our own unique way anyway so that won’t matter .

I am happy to consider writing sponsored posts but don’t hold your breath, its a struggle to even get my fat arse out of bed at times and get the words right on my own blogpost , never mind for anyone elses . I’ll happily publish guest posts on my blog, at heart I’m a lazy git so someone else doing the work is quite frankly ok by me.

We can also promote your business if you really are desperate , on our extremely un-engaging  Instagram account. (currently about 30  followers mainly family friends and assorted other weirdos ) that features numerous poorly taken shots of DD hogging the furniture and displaying her nether regions . (product placement a speciality ???? )

Contact us here if you dare ????